
Here’s What to Expect When You Come in for Myofascial Release

Here’s What to Expect When You Come in for Myofascial Release

You’ve been dealing with musculoskeletal pain, and you’re looking forward to a pain-free existence after your myofascial release treatments. Here’s a more detailed look at this journey toward pain relief.

There’s an almost infinite number of ways in which you can develop pain in your body, but myofascial issues rank right up toward the top. In fact, when it comes to musculoskeletal pain, myofascial pain syndrome accounts for between 30% and 85% of the overall problem, as we’re sure you’re all too painfully aware if you’re reading this.

The good news is that the myofascial release therapy we offer here at Spine & Orthopedic Center is incredibly effective in helping you move without pain. The even better news is that when Dr. Rajiv Sood and his team deliver the treatments, you will experience immediate benefits.

A quick review of myofascial pain syndrome

To truly appreciate why our myofascial release treatments are so effective, we want to quickly review what we’re up against.

When referring to myofascial pain syndrome, we’re referring to inflammation or irritation in both your muscles and the thin membrane tissues surrounding your muscles — your fascia. When your fascia becomes tight or bound, they create sensitive trigger points that pull on your muscles, which can lead to local pain, as well as referred pain in other areas.

Myofascial release to the rescue

When you come in for myofascial release, we review the areas where you’re in pain and then make you comfortable on the table. We then use our hands to locate the tight tissues and potential trigger points and get to work.

Using broad strokes, we first massage all of the tissues in the area to get them to relax. Our goal is to release the hold that the fascia has on your muscles. At first, we use a broad hand that delivers uniform pressure on your muscles and fascia.

Once we locate a particularly tense area or trigger point, we may apply a little more targeted pressure using a fist or an elbow.

When we feel your trigger points relax, we go back to broader strokes to encourage surrounding tissues to release any tension they might be holding.

Our patients typically benefit from a limited series of myofascial treatments at first; however, many go on to make these treatments a regular part of their musculoskeletal maintenance a few times a year.

As you can see, there’s little to no downside to myofascial release — at best, we release your trigger points and relieve your pain, and, at worst, you get a great massage out of the process.

If you have more questions about what to expect during your myofascial release therapy or you’d like to schedule your treatment, we invite you to contact our office in Jonesboro, Georgia.