
Hobbled By Chronic Knee Pain? We Can Help

Hobbled By Chronic Knee Pain? We Can Help

You used to be far more active, but thanks to chronic knee pain, even climbing a flight of stairs has become problematic. We want you to know that there are solutions that can help you move without wincing again.

Getting out for a walk with friends, playing with your kids (or grandkids), or even going grocery shopping were once outings you looked forward to, but then your knee pain started to get in the way. 

Your knees are the largest joints in your body, and this fact can become painfully clear when there’s something wrong. No matter the underlying reason, knee pain can make your world even smaller as you struggle to get around.

At Spine & Orthopedic Center, Dr. Rajiv Sood and the team have extensive experience helping patients break free from chronic knee pain.

If bad knees hobble you, read on to explore how we can help you get back to the life you love.

Most common causes of knee pain

Your knees are not only the largest joints in your body; they’re responsible for more than their fair share of the workload. Even standing still, your knees are supporting almost your entire body, never mind when you start moving.

As a result, knees are no strangers to problems, which include:

  • Arthritis
  • Ligament injuries
  • Meniscus tears
  • Dislocations
  • Bursitis
  • Tendinitis
  • Sprains and strains

Of this list, knee osteoarthritis (OA) accounts for a large percentage of chronic knee pain — more than 654 million people aged 40 and older worldwide have knee OA.

Getting moving again

At our practice, Dr. Sood focuses on nonsurgical treatment options to resolve knee pain, and we pride ourselves on keeping up with the latest practices. While we will outline some of the more common treatments we use to successfully remedy knee pain or mobility issues, we can only determine the one that’s right for your knee pain after a visit.

Depending upon what we discover during your visit, we might suggest one or more of the following solutions:

Joint injections

There are several different joint injections that we can use for knee pain. For example, we can try corticosteroid injections that address both pain and inflammation. Or, we might try a genicular nerve block to quiet the nerve creating the pain signaling.

Hyaluronic acid

Also called viscosupplementation, this is a technique in which we create more lubrication in your knee. We refer you to this previous blog post for a more detailed description.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections

This is a regenerative approach in which we inject a concentrate of your own platelets into your knees to encourage cellular rebuilding and repair. PRP therapy can be helpful with most knee conditions.


Dr. Sood is a Medicare-certified provider of durable medical equipment, which includes knee braces. If the degeneration in your knee is moderate to severe, bracing can go a long way toward supporting your knee and slowing further degeneration.

Physical therapy

A great way to support your knees and relieve pain and inflammation is to engage in knee-specific strengthening and flexibility exercises through our physical therapy services.

As you can see, we don’t lack solutions for resolving knee pain and getting you moving again. To determine which combination is best for you, please contact our office in Jonesboro, Georgia, to schedule a consultation.